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Kokua Mau (Virtual) Monthly Meeting Sept 2020 – Special TFT Presentation
September 24, 2020 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm HST
Please join us for our virtual monthly meeting on zoom, to learn, laugh, mingle and network.
At our virtual Kōkua Mau Meeting, joins us for hands-on (zoom) presentation about TFT or Thought Field Therapy with Dr. Caroline Sakai.
Are you looking for innovative ways to address and deal with stress and anxiety due to the COVID-19 pandemic?
We know this is an issue for people everywhere and we have invited Dr. Caroline Sakai back to Kōkua Mau. She will present virtually some methods and techniques focusing on stress and anxiety reduction that you can use for yourself, your patients or you loved ones. We invite you to join us with and open mind and experience it for yourself.
Yes: there will be a hands on tapping TFT session so you can practice this technique on yourself.
We hope you can join us for this very special presentation and invite colleagues.
More about TFT
TFT is a self-treatment that utilizes the acupoints used in acupuncture and acupressure. TFT has been used effectively with post-traumatic stress, trauma, anxiety, depression, grief, anger, chronic pain, phobias and many other conditions and symptoms. It is also an excellent tool for self-care for stressed and tired professionals and Caroline will show us techniques to help professionals address our own issues.
Caroline E. Sakai, PhD is a clinical psychologist in private practice, who was formerly chief psychologist at Kaiser Hawaii Behavioral Health Services. She’s deployed on trauma relief missions to New Orleans and Rwanda. She has published articles on Thought Field Therapy, EMDR, and domestic violence, and her book “Overcoming Adversity: How Energy Tapping Transforms Your Life’s Worst Experiences – A Primer for Posttraumatic Growth”. See her website at www.tftcenter.com
Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is the original energy tapping methodology developed by clinical psychologist Roger Callahan. It is a self-treatment that utilizes the acupoints used in acupuncture and acupressure. TFT has been used effectively with post-traumatic stress, trauma, anxiety, depression, grief, anger, chronic pain, phobias and many other conditions and symptoms.
It can be done by tapping or massaging the acupoints, and can be also be done by mentally focusing on the points once the treatment protocols are mastered. It is beneficial for practitioners who do the treatment on themselves while the client does the treatment on themselves, and both experience the benefits. Caretakers can do the treatments as bilateral massage of the acupoints on the patient. TFT protocols can be adapted for very young children, people with cognitive or other serious challenges, as well as infants and animals.
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