Our main COVID-19 page – regularly updated
Please note: This webpage was created in April 2020 when PPE were in short supply and serves as a great testimony for human creativity and resilience in a crisis.
CALL FOR SUPPORT NEEDED: Virtual Volunteer Opportunities, Community Needs, Service Providers & Local Businesses
As COVID-19 impacts Hawai‘i and the global community, it is an important time to respond with aloha and take care of each other.
Kanu Hawai‘i has accelerated plans for the annual Volunteer Week to support an on-going virtual volunteer response to support community needs and address economic impacts related to COVID-19.
COVID-19: Respond with Aloha provides an online hub for virtual volunteer opportunities, supply and service needs, donations and resources available, community skill exchange, and ways to support local businesses. The platform will connect efforts taking place across various communities to help coordinate, raise awareness of key issues, and safely direct support where it is needed most.
Take these quick steps to sign-up:
1. Register your organization, group, or as an individual.
2. List your posting(s) in any of the following categories:
a. Volunteer needs by organizations and essential service providers
b. Supply or service needs
c. Donations or resources available
d. Local business support
3. Share your listing and the online platform with your networks and others that may be interested
Contact volunteer@kanuhawaii.org for direct support to sign up or add your listing,
- learn more at Respondwithaloha.org