
 Join Kōkua Mau

Your support is what makes Kōkua Mau possible. Plain and simple.

Kōkua Mau depends on donations and annual membership fees to carry on with our work. Please help us improve quality of life for people living with serious illness or at the end of life here in Hawai‘i.

►  I want to join Kōkua Mau as an individual member

► I want my organization to join Kōkua Mau

About Kōkua Mau

Our statewide network leads a movement to improve care. As a community benefit organization (non-profit) we strive to improve quality of life for people in Hawai‘i by promoting excellence in hospice, end-of-life care, palliative care and early advance care planning.

Our activities include:

  • Public and professional education;
  • The Lets Talk Story Project
  • Development of professional and organizational healthcare capacity;
  • Workplace Wellness Programs;
  • Advocacy and public policy;
  • Statewide leadership; and
  • Collaboration among members and throughout the community.