Highlights from 2023
Two new videos about our work:
September 2023 at our Kōkua Mau meeting we will heard updates from Hospice Maui from Melanie Dwyer and about the amazing work of the Kupuna Collective. Details
July 2023: Chuukese Translations of Key Documents
Adding Chuukese as the 11th language is a milestone for us. Chuukese was the most requested language over the years and we are proud to have worked with an excellent translator. We are grateful to secure a grant that made it possible.
The Updated and Improved POLST for Hawai’i

The new POLST form is on the website as of June 29, 2023.
If you have the pre-May 2023 Hawaiʻi POLST version, it remains valid and does not expire.
The Hawaiʻi POLST Task Force made improvements to our Hawaiʻi POLST Form, with input from local key informants, reviewing the national POLST form and best practice in other states. We encourage everyone to use the updated version of POLST. (Change approved by the DOH May 2023.) More: our POLST Information page.
Watch the 15-minute video: Improved Hawaii POLST Form 2023 step-by-step essentials with Dr. Fischberg
To read more about POLST visit our website at: kokuamau.org/polst. If you would like a short article for an in-house newsletter to highlight the changes and the importance of POLST, please let us know.
April 2023: Kōkua Mau meeting presentations by the Bereavement Network of Hawaii. more
March 2023: Community Health Workers
CHW are a valuable resource in our communities, connecting people with resources and being a bridge to health care and providers. Learn more about CHW and the valuable work they do and help and strategize about ways CHW can help those with serious illness. Recordings available
In Memoriam: Aloha Greg LaGoy
We were deeply saddened to learn that Greg LaGoy, CEO of Hospice Maui, Inc., passed away January 4, 2022. To honor the life and legacy of Dr. Gregory LaGoy, Hospice Maui has established the Greg LaGoy Memorial Fund.
Events from 2022
Dec 2022: Psychedelic Medicine and Palliative Care: An exploration of old and ancient therapies to address twenty-first century clinical challenges
Psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) is an investigational treatment for a number of mental health conditions which has gained a growing interest across a variety of settings and disciplines. Watch the recording.
Oct 2022: A Caregivers Journey with Palliative Care in 3 minutes
A moving caregiver’s testimony about her and her husband’s cancer journey and palliative care. Living on Maui, Andrea talks story about how they accessed palliative care in Honolulu and at home (This shortened version is thanks to editing suggestions by our Kōkua Mau volunteer extraordinaire.) Watch the recording.
Sept 2022: Prognostication
Our very own Kōkua Mau Board president Dr. Daniel Fischberg presented about Prognostication. Watch the recording. Estimating and communicating prognosis, while often challenging, is often an essential part of care for those living with serious illness. Patients, family members, and providers, all need good prognostic information on which to base important decisions.
June 2022: A Caregivers Journey with Palliative Care
A moving caretaker’ testimony about her and her husband’s cancer journey and palliative care on our YouTube channel. Living on Maui she talks story how they accessed palliative care in Honolulu and at home.
Palliative Care – Extra Support for people with Cancer
- Dr. Daniel Fischberg, Medical Director, Pain & Palliative Care Department, The Queen’s Medical Center
- Sara-May Colón, Chaplain at Adventist Health.
- Hear a conversation with Andrea Bacos about her “Caregiver’s Journey” with Palliative Care.
- Jeannette Koijane, Executive Director, Kōkua Mau: Where to find Palliative Care in Hawaii
March 2022 Kōkua Mau Meeting – Home Care Options for Veterans
What veteran home care options are available in the community? How can we partner with providers to help navigate veteran benefits & services for the seriously ill?” Kōkua Mau’s own Dr. Emese Somogyi, Physician with the VA presented about their programs and Dr. Melton, Amanda Wong (APRN) and Dr. Nakamoto graciously agreed to participate to address other support services (e.g. HBPC, H:HHA, etc) that may be provided by the VA. This was a presentation of the We Honor Veterans program in collaboration with Bristol Hospice and will include a brief presentation by Erin Hamilton. Recording available.
Feb 2022
If you missed the February 2022 presentation Veterans Benefits and Entitlements with Col. Ron Han, Director of State Office of Veterans Services, you can view it on our YouTube Channel.
Jan 2022
On January 27 we had a presentation of our recent Instagram campaign. Watch the video on our YouTube channel. In the Fall 2021 our first Instagram Campaign promoted Palliative Care. Researched, implemented and evaluated by three amazing University if Hawai‘i West O‘ahu students they presented their work. We believe this is the first Instagram campaign of its kind in the country geared at the public.
In Memoriam: Aloha Greg LaGoy
We were deeply saddened to learn that Greg LaGoy, CEO of Hospice Maui, Inc., passed away January 4, 2022. To honor the life and legacy of Dr. Gregory LaGoy, Hospice Maui has established the Greg LaGoy Memorial Fund.
Events from 2021
World AIDS Day Hawaii Dec 1, 2021
The recording of the beautiful December 1, 2021 World AIDS Day Hawai‘i event, with hula and mele, is now available on YouTube and on worldaidsdayhawaii.
November 2021
Hawaii Public Radio’s (HPR) The Body Show hosted by Dr. Kathy Kozak invited Kōkua Mau for a three part series of interviews of the many aspects of on Advance Care Planning. All three episodes are currently steaming on Hawaii Public Radio’s webpage. More
Palliative Care and Hospice with Jeannette Koijane, Kōkua Mau’s Executive Director
Health Care Directives and POLST with Hope Young, Kōkua Mau’s Advance Care Coordinator.
Dealing With Grief Sarah May Colón, Director of Missions and Spiritual Care at Castle Medical Center
Oct 2021: Advance Care Planning Innovations in Community Outreach in Hawaii
We just posted the video on our YouTube Channel. Kōkua Mau’s own Advance Care Planning Coordinator, Hope Young, and Let’s Talk Story Ambassador, Susie Lee presented at the October 2021 Kōkua Mau meeting. Hear more about how Kōkua Mau’s Let’s Talk Story Program has grown, even during a pandemic!
Sept 2021: Instagram Campaign was launched: Palliative Care – Care The Way It Should Be
Our project goal is to answer the question, “Can social media be an effective tool in encouraging the public to seek more information on Palliative Care as an option for themselves or their loved ones?” Our Palliative Care, Care The Way It Should Be, public awareness campaign launches this week on Instagram. The IG feed is in the bottom of the left sidebar.
We encourage you to follow us @Kokua.Mau and hope you will click like, share, and repost our content on your accounts. Follow Kōkua Mau’s first Instagram account, and the LinkTree for clickable links in the bio. Details on our webpage.
Aug 2021 “Watch Your Mouth! Three Problems of Language in Palliative Care”
In our August meeting we welcomed Jennifer Moore Ballentine in person. We heard Jennifer present recently at a national conference and we are honored and pleased that she has agreed to present to Kokua Mau. Recording on our YouTube Channel.
Wed. 8/18: 21 Gun Salute: The military culture and traditions surrounding death
Kōkua Mau’s own Dr. Pat Nishimoto discussed Military Culture on zoom in the context of caring for veterans. Dr. Nishimoto has decades of experience as an oncology nurse specialist with Tripler Army Medical Center and is a nationally known teacher. Email Dr. Joseph Eppink for more information. A recording of the presentation is now available on YouTube
7/29 Focusing on Transformation: the 2021 Virtual Conference from NHPCO, AAHPM and HPNA
We watched the streamed conference together. The conference organizers, NHPCO, AAHPM and HPNA, recognized the profound and historic impact of the global health pandemic. That is why the 2021 Virtual Conference is focused on transformation. More
6/22 & 23 our Virtual Summit Working Together: Forging the Future of Serious Illness Care
Kōkua Mau collaborated with our partners in California and Arizona on a virtual summit for those working to improve care for those with serious illness. Our partner the Coalition for Compassionate Care of California (CCCC) maintains the dedicated website for the Annual Summit. More
6/26 Hawaii MedQuest Palliative Care Summit
We solicited your feedback on a future, first-of-its kind, palliative care benefit for MedQUEST members at our historic Virtual Palliative Care Summit. A MedQUEST palliative care benefit could significantly improve how we in Hawai’i care for some of our most complex and seriously ill family, friends, and neighbors. Recording available. More
May 2021: Update on POLST nationally, new documents and the national POLST Form
In our May meeting we welcomed Amy Vandenbroucke, Executive Director for National POLST, with her presentation about what is happening with POLST nationally, including new guidance documents and the new National POLST form. Watch the recording on our YouTube Channel.
Communication skills for talking about COVID vaccines
As you may communicate about vaccination issues, this is a good resource from our colleagues at VitalTalk. Their newest supplement to the COVID-Ready Communication Playbook addresses communication skills for talking about COVID vaccines. https://www.vitaltalk.org/guides/communication-skills-for-the-covid-vaccine/. Details on our COVID-19 page.
In 2020, The Conversation Project updated their Starter Kits and developed new Starter Guides to support and encourage people to have ‘The Conversation’ about what matters most. These newly revised Starter Guides have been thoughtfully curated and edited by Conversation Project Champions across the nation who regularly use The Conversation Project Materials. See the new versions here:
- Download the new Your Conversation Starter Guide
- Download the new Your Guide to Choosing a Health Care Agent
April 2021: An Update on Hawaii’s Our Care Our Choice Act
Our April 2021 Kōkua Mau meeting features an update on the Our Care Our Choice Act in Hawaii after the first 2 years by five presenters. Presenters: Laura Arcibal, HI Dept of Health, Jodi Shaw, Kaiser Permanente, Michelle Cantillo, Hawaii Pacific Health, Erin Hamilton, Bristol Hospice, Caryn Ireland, Consultant with Compassion & Choices. Watch the recording with time code for each presenter at ‘show more’ in our YouTube channel.
March 2021: Innovations in Palliative Care
Our partners at Hawaii Care Choices are providing high quality palliative care in their rural community through a series of innovations in Hilo, Hawaii. Our Monthly Meeting in March 2021 is a talk-story session with Lani Weigert, Community Relations Manager and Cara Sadira, Community Liaison implementing the programs and experiencing first hand the real change happening. Watch the video Innovations in Palliative Care.
Making Decisions Regarding Mortuaries in Hawaii
(Updated May 2023) Making decisions involving mortuaries is never an easy task. This list of current costs – from mortuaries on all islands in Hawai‘i – for cremation, burial, funeral services, caskets and cremation urns, can help to simplify the decision process.
‘Zoom Made Easy Page’ updated
Most of the time zoom works like a charm, but there are a million things that can go wrong (if you did not update to the latest version). Visit our Zoom Made Easy page, if you are looking for solutions. This page is updated frequently.
As of 3/18 the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) has made its resources available for free to the public. Please check out their tailor made: CAPC COVID-19 Response Resources toolklit including crisis communication and symptom management protocols for all clinicians, and guidance to help palliative care teams address high levels of volume and stress during a crisis.
What’s in the Toolkit
- Communication Tips
- Symptom Management Protocols
- Palliative Care Team Tools
- Telehealth
- Patient and Family Support Resources from the CDC
- Medicare COVID-19 Waivers
- Federal COVID-19 Guidance
- Setting-Specific Guidance
- Role of Palliative Care
Since March 2020 we switched our Palliative Pupus to a virtual zoom meeting due to concerns about the spread of the Corona virus that can cause COVID-19.
Events from 2020
Please visit our latest addition: Making Decisions Regarding Mortuaries in Hawaii
Making decisions involving mortuaries is never an easy task. This list of current costs – from mortuaries on all islands in Hawai‘i – for cremation, burial, funeral services, caskets and cremation urns, can help to simplify the decision process.
Two reports:
- Mapping Palliative Care in Hawaii (as PDF file). More on the Mapping Project webpage.
- The final report on the Palliative Care Summit in Hawai‘i can be downloaded here. More on the Summit webpage.
Kokua Mau (Virtual) Monthly Meeting Sept 2020 – Special TFT Presentation
Are you looking for innovative ways to address and deal with stress and anxiety due to the COVID-19 pandemic? At our virtual Kōkua Mau Meeting, joins us for hands-on (zoom) presentation about TFT or Thought Field Therapy with Dr. Caroline Sakai. More details or watch the recording of the meeting.
Funerals & Memorials are very different these days. What are new ways to grieve, mourn, comfort and honor?
How are we supporting people in our community whose loved ones have died but are not able to go to funerals or memorials in a usual way because of the pandemic? In Hawai‘i, about 1,000 people die a month so nearly 6,000 people have died since gathering restrictions began impacting 10s of 1000s of people have not been able to grieve, mourn and comfort each other.
Watch our (Virtual) Kōkua Mau Monthly Meeting from August 27, 2020: https://www.youtube.com/embed/PjSRZPZt68s?feature=oembed
Learn about what is happening in our community and strategize about solutions. Click on the time code below to jump directly to a specific presentation on our YouTube channel.
- 0:03 Context and introductions
by Jeannette Koijane, Executive Director, Kōkua Mau - 03:15 Military rituals in the time of COVID by Patricia W. Nishimoto, DNS, FAAN, Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist, Tripler Army Medical Center
- 12:01 What resources are available? Support groups and extra support in the time of COVID? by Valerie Payton MA, LCSW, Bereavement Social Worker, Home Hospice, St. Francis Community Health Services
- 35:39 What are mortuaries seeing in these times when no one can come together – by Pete Dilwith, Pete Dilwith, CFSP, CPC, CCO, VP of Operations, Mililani Memorial Park & Mortuary.
- 54:42 Clarence Liu, Retired chaplain (navian), local boy
‘Zoom Made Easy Page’ updated
Most of the time zoom works like a charm, but there are a million things that can go wrong (if you did not update to the latest version). Visit our Zoom Made Easy page, if you are looking for solutions. This page is updated frequently.
Palliative Care Summit 2020 recording
Our very successful Palliative Care Summit on April 25, 2020 brought key stakeholders together for an overview of the current state of palliative care in Hawai‘i, with focus on:
- What is working?
- What are barriers?
- What are the opportunities for expanding access?
- Watch a recording of the entire summit on our YouTube channel.
- Summit webpage for details and PDF files of the PowerPoint presentations.
- A final report on the Summit can be downloaded here. This includes the results of the focus groups, surveys, input from the conference and next steps.
Our 121 participants represented a diverse array of stakeholders including health plans, health systems, hospices, higher education, state and county government, and non-profits (including AARP and American Cancer Society). Participants from all counties included doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains, community advocates and administrators. See our
July 30th Mapping Palliative Care in the State of Hawai‘i
- Where is palliative care available in Hawai‘i?
- How many people are receiving palliative care and in what settings?
- What are the gaps and opportunities for improving palliative care?
This is the first time that we have done a statewide mapping project or calculated how much palliative care is being provided where and what the gaps are. View the recording or visit our web page and read the full report.
Chelsea Hirano presented the results of her research over the last 6 months looking at in-patient, out-patient and community based settings. Chelsea is a graduate nursing student in community health at UH Nursing. This is the first time this type of research has been done in Hawai‘i.
What is happening with Advance Care Planning in the time of COVID-19?
National and local experts agree that advance care planning continues to be important to make sure that people’s wishes are known. Here from our local experts on how they are approaching these conversations and what opportunities and challenges they encounter. Join us for our monthly virtual meeting Thursday June 25. Watch the YouTube Video recording.
- Michelle Cantillo, Advance Care Planning Coordinator at Hawai‘i Pacific Health
- Amy Hamane, Volunteer at Community First, Hilo
- Susan Michihara, Interim Manager, Ambulatory Social Work at Kaiser Permanente
- Lori Protzman, Advance Care Planning Coordinator at Queen’s Medical Center
- Hope Young, Advance Care Planning Coordinator at Kōkua Mau
April 30, 2020, NPR, Morning Edition: Coronavirus Disrupts Hard Decisions About End-Of-Life Treatment
The coronavirus means more people are dying alone in ICUs. Families are having to make abrupt decisions at a distance about terminal care. Palliative care specialists try to adapt. Listen to the 4 minute NPR program.
April 12, 2020: Kokua Line: Naming a health-care proxy more important than ever
Read the interview with Kōkua Mau’s own Dr. Daniel Fischberg and Jeannette Koijane in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser’s Kokua Line, by Christine Donnely from April 12, 2020. All COVID-19 coverage has free access at the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
April 2020: Let’s make Personal Protection Equipment for Hawaii
March 18, 2020: We created a COVID-19 Resources page. In a fast changing world, please visit this page frequently as we add resources.
April 2020: Let’s make Personal Protection Equipment for Hawaii
March 18, 2020: We created a COVID-19 Resources page. In a fast changing world, please visit this page frequently as we add resources.
As of 3/18 the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) has made its resources available for free to the public. Please check out their tailor made: CAPC COVID-19 Response Resources toolklit including crisis communication and symptom management protocols for all clinicians, and guidance to help palliative care teams address high levels of volume and stress during a crisis.
What’s in the Toolkit
- Communication Tips
- Symptom Management Protocols
- Palliative Care Team Tools
- Telehealth
- Patient and Family Support Resources from the CDC
- Medicare COVID-19 Waivers
- Federal COVID-19 Guidance
- Setting-Specific Guidance
- Role of Palliative Care
Since March 2020 we switched our Palliative Pupus to a virtual zoom meeting due to concerns about the spread of the Corona virus that can cause COVID-19.
Since March 26, 2020 all Monthly Kōkua Mau Meetings are virtual via zoom. More

– 2019 Highlights –
Nov 2, Dia De Los Muertos – Free Family Event
Thank you to all who to attended this interactive, fun family event. More and map
Legislative Briefing on Hospice
Kōkua Mau invited you to join us: on Sept. 11, 2019 at the Hawai‘i State Capitol. We had a unique opportunity to learn from and talk with two of the most knowledgeable experts in the country on Hospice regulation, compliance, policy, and advocacy. Find out more about the legislative briefing.
Nov. 11, 2019 – The Fine Art & Science of Pain and Palliative Care
Queen’s Medical Center excellent home grown conference.
Trainings in an all-islands collaboration with the Hawaii Catholic Conference
With our Let’s Talk Story Program we want to meet people where they work, play or pray. In collaboration with the Hawaii Catholic Conference we participated in 11 trainings on all islands about the importance of the conversation and Advance Health Care Directives as well as the benefits of hospice and palliative care. For a complete listing of dates and location, please visit our webpage.
July 17 & 18: We hosted “Overcoming the Challenges of Community-Based Palliative Care“, a live-streamed palliative care conference, brought with the generous support of Gary Simon, Chaminade University and Kōkua Mau.
July 2, 2019: Governor Ige signed the Support Palliative Care SB 804 at the Governor’s chambers!!

Great news and thank you to everyone who wrote supportive testimony. Many thanks to Senator Baker, Representative Belatti and Representative Mizuno for their support in shepherding the bill through. This bill is a collaboration with Kōkua Mau, the American Cancer Society – Cancer Action Network (ACS-CAN) and the Department of Health. More
Jan. 2, 2019: The Our Care, Our Choice Act (OCOCA) is a Hawaii law that permits terminally ill adult patients with the capacity to make medical decisions and who meet certain other conditions to be prescribed an aid-in-dying medication. The law went into effect on January 1, 2019. Hawaii is the seventh jurisdiction to enact such a law. Kōkua Mau created a webpage with an overview of the Our Care, Our Choice Act, including information for patients and families and Frequently Asked Questions for Providers. Kōkua Mau is a neutral source for information on the new law.
Our Care Our Choice Act in Hawaii
OCOCA Information for Providers
OCOCA Information for Patients and Families
DOH webpage: Patients, Family Members, and Care Support Resources
Listen to the webinars: The California Experience or Web-based training: End-of-Life Care Options in Hawai’i
2018 Highlights and Events
Useful documents
Everyone needs an Advance Health Care Directive – Not Everyone needs a POLST
- Click here for a chart with the differences between an Advance Directive and a POLST
⇒ Let’s Talk Story Program: Kōkua Mau wants to get our community talking about wishes for care at the end of life. Our new Let’s Talk Story Program will go out to community organizations, churches and temples with our free, 2-hour interactive sessions facilitated by Kōkua Mau’s trained experts. Option 2 is a free screening of ‘Being Mortal’.
⇒ Translations of key Kōkua Mau Advance Care Planning materials: The multilingual resources are intended as tools to help members of our community with limited English proficiency. As is common with such complicated issues, these documents do not replace a one-on-one conversation, sometimes with the help of an interpreter, to walk people through the decisions they have to make for themselves or their loved ones. Two ways to access the multilingual PDF files:
- By Language: Click on the language link for all resources available in that language. We will add selected materials in the language (such as the Conversation Starter Guides) when we become aware of it.
- By Document: Just click on the “multilingual” link for e.g. POLST and you find all the languages available for POLST on one webpage.
We want to thank all the volunteers who have dedicated countless hours reviewing documents and giving us feedback. It has been a herculean task but our community project is finally a reality thanks to all of you that helped us with your expertise.
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Ongoing Current Events:
- Kōkua Mau Monthly Meetings – open to all (last Thur. of the month)
- Palliative Pupus – open to all (3rd Wed. every second month)
- Hospice and Home Health Webinar Series
- Bereavement Network of Hawaii: latest Bereavement Support List
- eNewsletter Online Archive
- A Culturally Relevant Palliative Care Curriculum for US Affiliated Pacific Islands
Register here to receive free Kōkua Mau e-Newsletters with local and national updates and events.
Note: These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the Kōkua Mau of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation, organization or individual. Kōkua Mau bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.