Palliative Pupus March 2025
March 19 @ 5:15 pm – 6:30 pm HST
We’d like to invite you to our virtual and hybrid Palliative Pupus.
Our exciting local bi-monthly networking and clinical education opportunity on zoom. Come participate in an interactive interdisciplinary story from the cutting edge of hospice and palliative care and mingle with colleagues from all over the islands on zoom. If you are involved with palliative care cases, you are invited. Please tell your colleagues and friends.
At the March meeting we also meet in person at the QCC, offering a hybrid format, to include neighbor islands and others on zoom. If you join us at the in person meetings you will enjoy actual pupus.
How does Palliative Pupus work?
The theme and presenters for each ‘Palliative Pupus’ is announced one to two weeks prior to the meeting date via our Kōkua Mau eNewsletter. If you are not receiving our eNewsletter yet, please subscribe here and we will keep you informed.
What is Palliative Pupus?
Our first successful Palliative Pupus meeting was held November 17, 2010 and has since become a bi-monthly event every third Wednesday of the month. (Except November due to Thanksgiving)
The model is an informal, interactive, collegial, pau hana to present and discuss challenging cases as a group. Palliative Pupus is for clinicians in a variety of fields: doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains.
Queen’s Conference Center for Palliative Pupus.
The Queens Conference Center (QCC) – Room 200
510 S. Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
Please join us bi-monthly on the:
- Palliative Pupus meets in Room 200 on the second floor of the Queen’s Conference Center
- Each meeting’s topic is announced in a Kōkua Mau reminder eNewsletter one week prior to the event
- Park for free at the municipal Civic Center parking lot on South Beretania after 4 PM (see map below)
- Park in the Queen’s Miller parking lot for validated parking (pricey without the sticker). See map.
- Across the street at the DOH now has a two hour maximum enforced 24 hours (gone are the good old days).
- More on parking near QCC