About Us

Kōkua Mau is a community benefit organization (also known as non-profit) based in Honolulu, Hawai‘i.

Kōkua Mau was founded as a statewide end-of-life care coalition in 1999 under a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Community-State Partnership grant and as a direct result of the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Living and Dying with Dignity (1998).  The Panel’s recommendations included:

  • Increase public & professional awareness
  • Increase access to spiritual/cultural resources
  • Improve pain management efforts
  • Increase hospice utilization
  • Increase completion and use of advance directives

In June 2007, Kōkua Mau merged with the Hawaiian Islands Hospice Organization to form Kōkua Mau, Inc., a statewide hospice and palliative care organization.  Its purpose is to improve quality of life for people living in Hawai‘i by promoting excellence in hospice, end-of-life care, palliative care, and early advance care planning through:

  1. public and professional education;
  2. development of professional and organizational healthcare capacity;
  3. advocacy and public policy;
  4. statewide leadership; and
  5. collaboration among its members and throughout the community.

In 2010, we expanded Kōkua’s Mau’s vision and mission to reflect our growth in the last ten years:

Kōkua Mau’s vision is a community where:
the people of Hawaii are treated with dignity, compassion and love throughout their lives.

To make that vision a reality, Kōkua Mau’s mission is:
to weave a lei of caregiving and support so that the people of Hawai‘i facing serious illness can live in the place of their choice, with relief of pain and suffering and according to their values, beliefs and traditions.